Our Community Member featured is Cathy Caldwell. Cathy was married to the late great Alan Caldwell. We shared about Alan's dream of hosting an educational pow wow in the Fox Cities Area, in a recent blog. Here is a letter from Cathy and how we were all able to carry on her husband's legacy this year at the Neenah-Menasha Intertribal Pow Wow.

When I realized that the Neenah Historical Society was no longer interested in sponsoring nor funding future Neenah/Menasha Intertribal Powwows after the 2023 event took place, something that they had done since the Powwow began in 2016, it was a great disappointment. But with new leadership comes new perspectives and different priorities. I understood that and accepted it with a heavy heart.
The Powwow was started by my late husband, Alan Caldwell, and the former Director of the
Neenah Historical Society, Jane Lang, and I always saw my participation in the planning of that event after my husband’s death to be my way to pay tribute to Alan’s vision to educate this community about the original inhabitants of this area—the indigenous people who made this place their home long before it was known as the Fox Valley. It was always a labor of love, so it was hard to accept that the 2023 Powwow would be our last.
Then in the Spring of 2024, I heard from Barb Wisneski, Director of First Nations Outreach, Inc. She wanted to talk about how her organization could help to make the Neenah/Menasha Intertribal Powwow a reality for 2024 and beyond. We met and the planning began. We put together an enthusiastic Powwow Committee, all of whom were committed to doing whatever it took to make this event happen. The biggest obstacle was funding. With First Nations Outreach non-profit status, they were able to secure grant money and donations. Members of our Powwow Committee also did their part in getting donations in money as well as in other necessities. Barb informed us of an anonymous donor willing to match our budget up to $1500. That was amazing. So much was accomplished in such a limited time frame. It was impressive.
There were many other challenges along the way that First Nations Outreach handled with
confidence and competence. Without Barb Wisneski and her organization, along with the
dedicated members of the Powwow Committee, the 2024 Powwow would not have taken place. Not only was this group of people integral to the Powwow’s success but they were also a joy to work with.
The 2024 Neenah/Menasha Intertribal Powwow itself happened on September 14 at Shattuck Park in Neenah as planned and by all accounts was a huge success. We had more volunteers, more spectators, more dancers and drum groups, and more vendors than we have ever had in the past. I will forever be grateful to Barb Wisneski and First Nations Outreach, Inc. for reaching out to me and making it possible to continue this important cultural event. Alan’s legacy lived on for another year. Plans are underway for 2025.
Cathy Caldwell
October 20, 2024